Started watching High Fidelity a few days ago and the main character, Rob, is pseudo-obsessed with making lists.
So I decided to make one. Here's my top 15 (or so) favorite albums since 2003 (in no particular order):
1. Arcade Fire - 'Funeral'
2. Guillemots - 'Through the Windowpane'
3. Spank Rock - 'yoyoyoyoyo'
4. Blonde Redhead - '23'
5. Chairlift - 'Does It Inspire You'
6. Cut Copy - 'In Ghost Colours'
7. Crystal Castles - 'Crystal Castles'
8. Keane - 'Under the Iron Sea' and 'Hopes and Fears'
9. The Knife - 'Deep Cuts'
10. Ladyhawke - 'Ladyhawke'
11. La Roux - 'La Roux'
12. Little Boots - 'Hands'
13. M83 - 'Before the Dawn Heals Us' and 'Saturdays=Youth'
14. Ghostland Observatory - 'Paparazzi Lightning'
15. New Order - 'Brotherhood' and 'Substance'
What are yours? I wanna know.
This is hard. Not even sure if I've listened to more than 15 albums in my lifetime. I will list my top 7:
1. Third Eye Blind (self titled)
2. What's the Story Morning Glory?
3. So Much For the Afterglow
4. Late Registration
5. Enema of the State
6. Tell All Your Friends
7. Everything in Transit
8. Sticks and Stones
9. Deja Entendu
10. Any of the Beatles shit
Top 10*
WHOA. I can give you favorite 15 albums of 2008/2009....it'd be easier....shouldn't procrastinate from work too long. Here goes, in no order:
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Late of the Pier - Fantasy Black Channel
Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavillion
Gang Gang Dance - Saint Dymphna
Passion Pit - Manners
Santogold - Santogold
Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
Foals - Antidotes
The Kills - Midnight Boom
Yeah Yeah Yeah's - It's Blitz
Metronomy - Nights Out
The Dodos - Visitor
Midnight Juggernauts - Dystopia
Fever Ray - Fever Ray
Of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
Just off the top of my head, probably forgot some/added a few not worthy of the list...
Discovery - LP should really be on everyone's list. Seriously the best album of 2009 so far (in my opinion).
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